Guilt Free Gelt Resources for Chanukah
The Talmud teaches that we don’t rely on miracles (Kiddushin 39b); we must take action ourselves to bring about redemption. On Chanukah, we celebrate the miracles of ages past, and we strengthen our resolve to make miracles happen today. Your purchase of Fair Trade Chanukah gelt moves us a step closer towards ending labor abuses and modern slavery around the world.
- SING our new Chanukah song about “Guilt Free Gelt”, by Talia Cooper (video and lyrics)
- MAKE your own chocolate filled sufganiot
- SAY A SPECIAL PRAYER before eating Fair Trade Chanukah gelt
- DOWNLOAD/PRINT this table tent to educate others when you’re serving fair trade gelt
- MEET the Divine Chocolate farmers who grew the cocoa
- READ a kavannah (spiritual intention) about the most successful worker-led rights protection program in the United States
- WATCH a documentary about child labor in the cocoa fields
- LEARN more about the role of trafficked child labor in the cocoa industry
- EXPLORE a two page matrix that aligns fair trade principles with Jewish values
- STUDY and discuss the intersections among fair trade, human rights, and Jewish text
- FIND resources from T’ruah about trafficking and slavery from a Jewish perspective