
MayaWorks is about Mayan artisans, supporting women and men striving to improve their lives despite obstacles such as grinding poverty and illiteracy. MayaWorks is a fair trade nonprofit organization that promotes economic development for Maya women and their families by supporting a marketplace for their handcrafted goods. MayaWorks believes that community development happens through the economic development of women, who otherwise have limited ways to participate and contribute to the economic health of their communities.

MayaWorks partners with over 125 artisans in six communities along the central highlands of Guatemala. All artisans are paid a fair wage for their work. Additionally they are supported through microloans to start their own businesses, literacy and skills trainings, and scholarships to send their daughters to school.

Their Judaica products include hand woven tallitot (tallises) and tallis bags, crocheted kippot, beaded mezzuzot, hand woven pencil/gift bags, wall hangings, and table runners.

MayaWorks is a member of the Fair Trade Federation.

MayanWorks wholesales their products to retail outlets, sells their products on-line, and through consignment where individuals sell their products in their communities.

1732 W. Hubbard, Suite 1A
Chicago, IL 60622


