Upavim Crafts (Guatemala)

UPAVIM Crafts is a cooperative of approximately 80 women who live in marginalized communities on the outskirts of Guatemala City. The women in the organization are all mothers and homemakers, some widows, and some abandoned. Many are the sole providers of economic support for their families.
The challenges for healthy community growth in Guatemala City are numerous… including gang violence, illiteracy, unemployment, malnutrition (children and adults), alcoholism, child abuse, the lack of sufficient education for children, and drug abuse. Yet in spite of these obstacles, the community where UPAVIM is located is named La Esperanza (Hope), and the women of UPAVIM have kept their hope alive. After twenty years their hard work and example are benefitting the communities
The woman in the photo is Sonia, who is in charge of items made by hand. She at times teaches the other women to make jewelry and other items, she packages all the materials to the others to take home and construct and she sometimes comes up with designs.