Gilberta, San Rafael Collective (Guatemala)

Gilberta, representing the woman of the San Rafael collective, writes:
“Working with Mayan Hands has provided a consistent source of income for the thirty women in our group. There are not many work opportunities in San Rafael, not for the women or their husbands. Most of our husbands, sometimes they have work, and sometimes they don’t, even when they go far away to Guatemala City or elsewhere looking for work. Our crops fail frequently for lack of rainfall, so we can’t count on our own food supply. If the women weren’t working with Mayan Hands we would be selling locally in the market at Town Hall, and that is really tough. It’s very hot, you sit there for hours, and all for a few sales, sometimes none, and, of course, at very low prices. Working with Mayan Hands, the women don’t have to buy their own materials, sit in the market for hours, and waste their time or not sell at all. Fifteen years ago very few of our children went past the 3rd grade. Now, working with Mayan Hands, a lot more are going all the way to high school.”
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