Comite Artisanal Haitien (Haiti)

The nonprofit CAH, Comité Artisanal Haitien or Haitian Committee of Artisans, markets and exports crafts made by 800 Haitian artisans, through 170 cooperatives and craft groups.  In 1999 CAH became part of the “Fondation pour le Developpement de l’Artisanat Haitien.” CAH provides marketing and promotional expertise, training in literacy and business skills for artisans, fair wages and advances on orders, and financial assistance in case of health emergencies. CAH artisans sell their work through local tourist sales and for export through the fair trade market.

CAH was founded in 1973 to help rural craftspeople sell their wares in Port-au-Prince, to provide income and to help reduce the flow of migration from the countryside to the city. Though rural to urban migration continues, CAH helps artisans earn a living from their skills. The economic situation in Haiti is bleak, and the need for income generation is great. CAH craft sales often are the sole income source for artisans and their families.

Fair Trade Organization